Dragon Medical One - Registration Portal
Looking to get started with Dragon Medical One dictation?
Using the following subscriber portal, you'll be able to do just that.
Realize, this portal is meant for individuals or small to medium sized healthcare organizations with no more than 50 MDs. Once you sign up and place an order, you'll be assigned to a Nuance Healthcare VAR for implementation and activation.
DragonMedicalSoftware.com is a Nuance VAR Partner website. We are available 7 days per week including evening hours for all sales and support inquiries.
When you place an order, you will automatically receive ;
- Same day activation (usually within minutes of subscribing)
- Powermic Mobile App (use cell phone as microphone)
- A 7 minute getting started video - This is all you need to get started and shows you basic dictation, correct, moving around and how to make an auto-text.
- 20 + How to videos on almost every function Dragon Medical One offers.
- Dragon Medical One (Auto-Update) installation
- Dragon Medical One (Portable-USB) installation
- Dragon Medical One (Virtualization) installation
- Same Day Technician installation
- Same Day Training (when time allows)
- Full Technical Support for every and any issue you have with Dragon Medical One, working within your EHR or other applications. You do not need your technician to be involved. However, this is optional and some may prefer this.
Be sure to choose the "Medical" as your intended purchase to see proper pricing. Purchase is not necessary to register.
Proceed to Register
to see all pricing and available promotions